finesleap / children, magic, and the crescent moon
「One Day Diary」の作曲/トラックメイカー”IEDA”によるソロ・プロジェクト「finesleap」
ピアノのみで日々の情景を切り取るというコンセプト・アルバム「children, magic, and the crescent moon」
- little one
- the start of the day
- stop in my place
- lyka
- world end nishinomiya (previous life)
- world end nishinomiya (next life)
- gravity and distance
- practice #1
- come into bloom
- I’m always behind you
- echo of this summer
- 753
- it’s not up to you
- one by one
- practice #2
- the lost in the rain
- spica
- a small promise
- why don’t we talk in my car?
- four seasons, four reasons (reprise)
Artwork Photo : Aki Kindaichi
Link :
Apple Music, Spotify, etc. | Online Store | SoundCloud | bandcamp
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